About me...
I am wife to a fabulous husband & mother of two sweet boys. I feel very blessed to be able to stay home with my kids, who are now in school. Thus, I spend a lot of time at their school! I've been a furniture~lover for years & years. My first acquisition was a number of pieces that belonged to my grandmother. When she passed away, I was just a teenager, but I already knew these pieces were important to me. I convinced my parents to spend several thousand dollars to ship the furniture from my grandmother's home in Memphis to our home in Atlanta (thanks, Mom & Dad!). With my Dad's help, I began the process of stripping & refinishing these antiques... and now, almost 20 years later, I'm still going & loving every minute of it! Thanks for visiting me here!

What I do...
I look for great pieces of furniture that have been neglected, damaged or pieces that just haven't realized their full potential. Then I carefully repair, refinish or reinvent the piece. You'll find plenty of pieces here on my blog that were rescued from the Goodwill, thrift stores, junk lots or even Craigslist. I am also taking custom work, so if you have a special piece that needs a makeover, let me know! I'll post pictures of those as well. Stay tuned for A Few Good Pieces!