
Wednesday, August 4, 2010

"Are you a set designer?"

That is the question that the owner of The Scavenger Hunt asked me today when I inquired about this piece... "Are you a set designer?" He couldn't imagine why else I would want it! Now, granted, the top was in rough shape. It had been left out in the rain and had splintered to a thousand pieces. It was so bad I didn't even take a picture of it before I carried it to the curb. But look at the lines on the beauty!
All sanded, primed and ready to go... the wood was so dry, even after wood conditioner it was soaking up the paint like a sponge.

I replaced the top with a pine 36" round from Lowe's, and stained it a dark walnut. The paint is still drying here, so it looks a little streaky. I'll have to take a picture of it in the house, so that you can see how fabulous it is! The bottom of the piece is painted Valspar's Cappucinno, and I love it!

I also (with my dad's help- thanks, Dad!) removed those funny block-thingies on the feet. Final picture here... Try to ignore all the stuff in the background!
Linking to...

1 comment:

  1. very nice job! I'm glad you were able to get those little thingys off the bottom. I like stain and paint together.
