
Tuesday, September 14, 2010

a new take on the hutch

Although these two pieces had never met before, they seemed meant to be together. 

 Don't you think?

The credenza started out like this.  Lovely, right?  Have you noticed how every new piece that I bring into my workshop has to serve it's time as a workbench?!  They all put in their time.

Here it is before I put anything up on the magnetic board.  That big space used to hold a mirror, but it seemed so dated.  So, I covered a magnetic board in a nice calm linen and I think it goes well with the hardware I chose for the base.  The magnetic board is much harder working than a mirror, right?

I love how it turned out.  You may see this concept again some time soon around here :)

PS... have you noticed that I am running out of spots to take photos of my pieces?!  I have a number of custom things waiting to be picked up and space is at a premium in this little ranch home!  So the hutch piece lives in my kitchen for now.

thanks for coming by!

linking to the wonderful parties in my left sidebar as well as
Fresh Coat Friday at Life in the Fun Lane
Remodelaholic's Anonymous 37
miss mustard seed's furniture feature friday
  debbie-doos before & after party :)


  1. Oooohh I love it! What a great idea for the magnetic board!

  2. I really really love that! They look so great together and I like the magnetic board instead of the mirror. Beautiful!!

  3. I love the idea of the magnet board in place of the mirror. I just may have to borrow that one for a piece in my craft room. :)

  4. i LOVE that hardware you used- it's gorgeous! and what a great repurpose!

  5. looks great And I have one of those ugly mirror things in the garage!!! You're sooo crafty.

  6. Boy you are really good at this. Looks awesome. Kathie do you mind adding my link to these posts, perhaps I just missed it. But I would love for my party to get word out so others know to join in, and that is how they would know:) Debbie

  7. What a great function for this piece!

  8. They most definitely look they belong together! I love the beautiful!

    I love the magnet board instead of the mirror updates it and adds a fun element. Great job!

  9. I never would have thought of putting those two pieces together. They look so good together!! You did a great job. They are lovely!

  10. Wow, that looks great. I see those old dated hutches all over Craig's List. The magnetic board idea is sheer genius. Might have to steal that idea.


  11. Absolutely adorable! You did a great job!

  12. Love this. So cute. If you ever want to find new recipes or want to be featured on our blog.. come check us out. we love to feature anyone's work or yummy food.

  13. I love your hutch creation and the linen magnetic board is brilliant! I'm featuring it in the PoPP Spotlight on Saturday.
