
Tuesday, October 19, 2010


Since I started the blog, I've had a lot of questions about my window treatments.  Mostly the questions are:  
*Did you make them (yes)
*Where did you get that particular fabric

So I'm going to address that here, for everyone to see.  

I do make all of my own window treatments.  I used to have them custom made, but the price of custom work really burned me up.  I had one of those "I can do that" moments (you know what I mean, don't you?!) and asked for a sewing machine that Christmas.  My mom taught me how to use it, and the rest is history.

All of my windows throughout the house have full length, lined panels hung on rods with rings & upholstery hooks.  I'd do a tutorial on it, but you'd laugh.  All you do is... 
*add some length for hems (I usually do 2.5" per hem)
*cut your fabric & lining
*lay your fabric with the good side facing the lining, and sew the sides together
*turn them right-side out
*iron your seams
*hem the bottom & top
*insert upholstery hooks, loop hooks through curtain rings, and hang

Presto!  Perfect, custom window treatments at a fraction of the cost.  It really is that easy.

So, here are the fabrics I've gotten questions about.  I'm going to give you links where you can purchase them, but I'm sure there are lots of other places that carry them as well.

My kitchen curtains (also in my mud room/ laundry room)...

Family Room curtains (I also have pillows made in this)...

Dining Room Curtains...

My younger son's room...

My older son's room...

I cannot find this one anywhere.  I got it at Lewis & Sheron (the retail store in west atlanta) but it's no longer on their site.  I'll keep looking & I'll update this if I find it!

The boys bathroom...

This one is so old I'm not even going to try to find it!  But if you love it, let me know because I saw it just the other day at my favorite local spot, Budget Upholstery.  I'll pick some up for you :)

And finally, the fabric in our master bedroom.  It is the only pattern we have in there.  Everything else is either white, chocolate or... well, now that I think about it, either white or chocolate.  That's it!

I've got my eye on these right now....


Cornwall, found here


Ottoman, found here


Lutron in Vintage, found here

I hope you enjoyed the fabric tour!  As always, let me know if you have any questions.  I love to hear from you!



  1. Your fabric choices are all so fun and colourful! You make sewing sound oh so easy. I'm still struggling ... your Mum must have been a great teacher!

  2. I love your fabrics. I have often thought of trying to learn to sew, you are giving me new inspiration!

  3. I make most of my girls' to sew everything EXCEPT curtains! Crazy I know.... I'm lazy and have drop cloths everywhere... Cheap and easy but not NEARLY as pretty as yours. :)

  4. I love the color!!! So many people are into the whites and that's it. Very pretty!
