
Monday, November 8, 2010

3 blind mice

If you're really on your game, you'll see right away why I named this post "3 blind mice".

But read on for the rest...
 This piece is huge.  It is hard to tell how huge from the pictures ~ I had to use the pivot & swing method to get it out of my car, and once it was standing like this, I was stuck.  It was so heavy, I was afraid it would crush me if I tried to set it right-side-up.
 So, it stayed like this until my husband got home.

It is solid.  The drawers are deep & heavy.  The hardware was gaudy, heavy (of course) and all the screws were stripped.  Sigh.
 I don't have many in process pictures, aside from this one.  I primed & painted it in my Behr primer & paint, color matched to Heirloom White.  Yes, I am a creature of habit.
 As I was starting to put it back together, I thought these knobs would work.  But they're so small on this huge piece, they look like bugs.  Not the look I am going for!

The cabinet doors that go in the center were a good two inches thick.  I removed the lovely brass corner fixtures.

And, after...

 I see this piece more as a sideboard or buffet, than as a dresser.  Not sure why, and someone else may feel differently.  But it just feels like a kitchen or dining room piece to me.

Of all the pieces that have spent time on this wall in my kitchen, this is the one that I feel like could 'stay' the most.  It is perfect for the space.  Last night, we celebrated my dad's birthday here and it was so nice to have the extra counter space for desserts, plates, etc.  So it may have found its home :)

But do you see why I called it "3 blind mice"? 

Seriously, WHAT are those holes in the bottom?!  Don't they remind you of the holes in the wall from Tom & Jerry?

If anyone has any insight into what those holes are all about, I'd love to hear it.  They are matching, identically on either side under the drawers.  It appears from the cuts & the finish that they are original to the piece.  I haven't got a clue :)


300 followers is around the corner!  Still waiting on a fabulous idea for a GIVE-AWAY to celebrate y'all!


linking to:
Cottage Instinct's Make it for Monday
Between Naps on the Porch Metamorphosis Monday
Miss Mustard Seed's Furniture Feature Friday
My repurposed Life's Catch as Catch Can
Blue Cricket Design's Show & Tell Wednesday
Domestically Speaking's Power of Paint Party
Primitive & Proper's Piece of Work Wednesday
Cottage Instincts Make it 4 Monday
House of Thrifty Decor's Show Off Sunday
Stories of a House Project Diaries
Motivate me Monday at Keeping It Simple
The Shabby Chic Cottage's Transformation Thursday
Between Naps on the Porch Metamorphosis Monday


  1. It's amazing! I just love it. Those big old chunky pieces from the 70's are the best redo! I just love it. I also love seeing your driveway--looks like mine!

  2. You did a great transformation on this piece! What? Removed those lovely brass corner fixtures? LOL! No ideas on the "mouse" holes but they do add interest. I am with you on seeing this piece a buffet, I would love all of that storage!

  3. LOVE it. You know what I see it as?? A media cabinet! Those drawers are perfect for DVD and other media storage... It's a great size and would easily accomodate a LARGE TV. Great job sista...I don't know what those holes are for, but I didn't even notice.... Maybe shoulda had my coffee first. :)

  4. It it so wonderful! I wish I could find something like this for our place, well, I wish something like this would fit in our house!
    It's lovely. Great job!

  5. Hi Kathie ~ I loved Tom and Jerry and expect them to pop out of your photos at any time! This piece is beautiful ~ large, heavy and substantial and I must agree, it would be fabulous in a kitchen! Love the hardware you chose!

  6. Kathie - I want this one. I seriously think you must keep this one. The whole set up is amazing. The different drawer in the middle gives it so much character along with the two doors that have their own unique elements. Seriously. Keep it!

  7. Just stopping by from Met Monday. This turned out just great! Love the distressing!

  8. I have been looking for this style of dresser for months! I laughed out loud at the Tom and Jerry comment. My daughter wanted to know why I was laughing and since she loves Tom and Jerry I showed her the picture and had her read your funny comment. She was rolling! I honestly have no clue what those little mouse holes odd? But, they don't distract from the dresser to me, at all.


  9. I bet somebody else once used it as a media cabinet, and they cut the holes so the short electric cords to go through under the cabinet instead of around.

    I suspect this is the case because I am married to a man who is always trying to get away with doing this kind of thing to my furniture.

  10. I have a huge bruise on my arm from a dresser I unloaded just a few days ago. I think it makes a great buffet, and I hope the mice stay out.

  11. beautiful! you did a great job!

  12. LOVE IT! I have an Ethan Allen dresser in my carport waiting (and waiting!) for a re-do. It speaks to me as a sideboard, too. Alas,
    I have no wall to put it on!

  13. Wish you weren't so far away!!!turned out fantastically!!

  14. Came here from Kristin's party and just love what you did, fantastic job!

  15. The buffet looks great and I'll have a slice of that cake, please!

  16. that looks fabulous, kathie! and yes- i did see the mouseholes right away- hmmm... don't know why someone would put that there intentionall! either wa, you did a great job distressing it!

  17. I didn't notice those holes. This came out really great and if I were you I would definitely keep it.

  18. That is an awesome piece! You did a great job!
    Shantel @

  19. Awesome makeover! Love the white, with the dark hardware.

  20. Great transformation! Love everything about it. I especially like the drawers behind the doors. Awesome piece.

  21. You always do such a great job. White was a great color choice with your decor.

    Take care,

  22. What a great piece. So fresh.


  23. It looks nothing like it did before. What a great transformation! Love the amount of distressing you used. Stunning!

  24. Fabulous transformation! You too it from way ugly to uniquely chic! Love it!

