
Sunday, November 21, 2010

newborn :)

Oh my goodness, you won't believe what I've been up to.  It has nothing to do with furniture!

This weekend was supposed to be my catch-up weekend.  We had some plans but not too many, and I was going to have plenty of time to get to lots of long-waiting projects.

It all came to a screeching halt around lunchtime on Saturday when I went out to get the mail.

I heard the most pitiful mewing sound.  A neighbor from down the street was carrying this tiny ball of fluff.  This teensy tiny kitten was wandering in her yard, and she didn't know what to do with it.  They had looked for a mother or other kittens, but found nothing.

What else is a mother to do?  Of course I took the kitten!  My husband was at a football game (too bad, so sad for him!) so I had to make a quick decision and I knew it was the right thing to do.

We let the kids see him (although at that point we didn't know if we had a 'he' or a 'she') and then called the emergency vet.

We left my brother-in-law with all 4 kids (my hero!) and my sister & I took the mewing kitty to the vet.

They determined:

  • He weighs about .5 lbs
  • He is under 4 weeks old
  • He needs to be bottle fed (kitten milk replacement formula) every 2-3 hours
  • He needs to be with us as much as possible to keep his body temperature up

I was worried about how the feeding would go but I shouldn't have been.  Baby boy was hungry!

I didn't even have time to get the sticker off of the new bottle :)

He is sleeping in a fleece blanket (and my fleece vest that I wore all day) in the bathtub.  It was the vet's idea ~ it is enclosed, it is smallish, and he can't ruin the floor in there :)  I went to feed him at 2:30am and found he had used the litter box.  Why can't human babies do this?!?!

 Although he'll never admit it, a certain someone is already attached.  What more does a guy need on a Saturday evening... football, comfy couch, beer & a baby kitten!

We're in love.

This friend is not in love.  She is very displeased ~ can you tell by the look on her face here?  The hard part is that we can't let them sniff each other out yet, because baby kitten hasn't had his shots yet (he's much too young) and we don't want him to get our beloved fat calico cat sick... nor do we want her to give him any germs or bugs.

Is he here to stay?  I'm not sure.  I have committed to getting him through the next few weeks of bottle feeding, midnight wake-ups, etc.  But long term, I don't know if our family is the best fit for him and vice versa (due to beloved fat calico cat being the primary resident).

If you live in Atlanta, or close by, and you want a kitten, will you let me know?   Like I said, we may decide he is here to stay.  According to my boys, he is not going anywhere!  They named him Sam before we knew his sex, because they know kids named Sam who are both boys & girls.  Makes sense.

So, you won't see much of me this week.  And don't assume it's because I'm painting in the garage... it is because I'm cuddling a little ball of fluff.

thanks for coming by!


  1. What a precious baby kitten! I've rescued a few over the years (not that young) but have never been able to keep them due to my 3 dogs! I suspect "Sam" may be there to stay! After sleepless nights bottle feeding and cuddling under warm fleece blankets in your arms, it may be difficult to let him/her go. It is a very kind deed that you've taken in this little orphan. xox

  2. I'm so jealous! I LOVE cats, especially kittens. We had cats when I was younger, but we had to switch to dogs since most of my family was allergic. I even made ceramic cats to keep in my room since I couldn't have a real one. :-( Then shortly after I got married my allergies started, which unfortunately included cats. Even while on numerous allergy meds at the same time I can't pick up a cat and cuddle it without itching and sneezing the rest of the day...but that doesn't stop me from cuddling with a sweet cat when I get the chance. I would have NEVER been able to resist a newborn kitten, so I envy you for taking in this sweet kitten and taking care of it! I hope everything works you for him/her! Don't worry the furniture will still be there when things settle down! :-)

  3. I popped over from Sharon @ Elizabeth & Co. Now, you knew I'd be coming today, I see...cuz you posted a picture of a kitten! I don't care what you say (or promise yourself) I bet that by the time you have nursed that baby to young kittenhood....he is yours! Yours! Yours! Yours! He is darling. Here's the kicker as to whether or not he's a "keeper". Did you give the kitty a name yet? If so-you are sunk! And
    Miss Calico will come around-eventually.

    Signing up as your newest follower-I went down through some of your posts and you are one talented chick! Your newest "friend"- Diana

  4. What a darling little kitten!! He is great hands and it is so easy to fall in love so quickly with them!!! Have fun!

  5. Hey Kathie - I've been in your position a few times..I kept all of them, so I'm not very objective. I can tell you that hand raised kittens are the SWEETEST cats you'll ever see. They really bond to you. He'll be able to eat wet food mixed with formula in a week or so - that makes things much easier. The big girl will get used to him, if you end up keeping him. He's adorable! Have fun with him & thank you for taking him in!

  6. So CUTE! Best of luck with little kitty boy. For those who don't know how to tell a boy from a girl cat---it is the usual way. Tip the cat over and either they have two little "you-know whats" or they don't.

  7. That is one lucky little kitty! I am an animal lover myself (we rescued and raised two baby birds this summer - a robin and a finch) and my husband never knows what critter will be here when he gets home.

    If you choose to keep Sam, once he is old enough, your other cat will adjust. It just takes a few days. Good luck!


  8. What an adorable little kitten, I hope you keep him. The dominant cat will cope well enough and no doubt be entertained by the kitten. Nice to find your blog.

  9. Aw, adorable! I laughed at the picture of your husband with a little kitty and a beer :) And isn't it funny how you can tell what an animal is thinking?

  10. Your kitten is too cute! I love the sweet pic of your husband with the kitty and the look of displeasure on your older kitty's face! Priceless!
