
Sunday, June 26, 2011

highlands ~ furniture galore

This is how we started our weekend in Highlands, celebrating our 10th anniversary.  Bliss!  We went to On The Veranda for dinner & this was our view.  Complimentary champagne too.

I loved these cow paintings in a local gallery ~ they made me think of Miss Mustard Seed.

In one local shop, they had furniture galore.  They had a number of the same pieces, finished in different colors, but with the same hardware.  I figure they must have an unfinished furniture source and they finish pieces custom?  Look at them & tell me what you think.

Side note:  I love this, with the dark wood backing & white sides.

I really wanted this piece with the galvanized bins.  But it was $275.  I wasn't even sad about not buying it, just curious as to where I could find something similar to finish myself!  Ever seen anything like it?

I was in LOVE with this lamp… but again, for $300, didn't even consider for a minute buying it.  Anyone know where I can get a wood piece like this to make into a lamp?

I also thought this lamp & these signs were cute:

(my niece is TERRIFIED of the flying monkeys!)

Super cute boutique with these fun tee's:

Views (from my iphone):

Notice the people playing croquet in all white.  We had a good giggle over that!

Now for some pictures with my 'real' camera.  My boys made me promise to include their precious snail…

Where there are mama ducks, there are…

baby ducks!  are they not the cutest??

We found a great sliding rock, outside of cashiers.  I thought we would never get the kids out of there.

Lunch in cashiers (YUM)…

At the top of the mountain above my in-law's home, the view is stunning.  This is why my husband refers to places like this as "God's country".

After an amazing weekend away, we are fully refreshed & ready for the next 10 years of marriage.  And then ten more after that… you get the gist :)

Hope you all had a great weekend!!


  1. Looks like sooo much fun! The pics of the boys are so cute, and I love all the furniture!!!! Happy Anniversary!

  2. that looks amazing! so fun! and surely, after the next ten years, you will want another little weekend getaway, and then the next ten... ;)

  3. Wow so much fun, the first picture is making me want to go into the kitchen and pour myself some wine.
    And the lamp, yikes $300 for a lamp, get real people!! I funky chunky old table leg could be turned into a lamp base pretty easy I think.

  4. The pictures are gorgeous, I think the one of the snail is my favorite. Glad you all made it home safely.

  5. A friend has part ownership of an architectural salvage company in North Carolina, where pieces like that lamp (looks like a heavy finial from a large railing) are easily found. Does Georgia have something similar? All those found and scavenged elements sound right up your alley.

  6. What breathtaking views!! Love how you *took* us shopping. :) Visiting from Kate's Vacation Destination party. Hope you'll stop by my blog to say hi. :)

  7. its beautiful. but my father in law thinks gods country is in montana. lol
