
Tuesday, September 6, 2011

one huge headboard bench

Sadly, you're going to have to use your imagination on this one.  I've searched & searched for a 'before' of this headboard and have come up with nothing :(

It started as a king headboard, with a full sized headboard used as the sides.  My husband built it & I painted it.  It might be my favorite one yet.

You can check out my other headboard benches here, here, here and here!

Despite the persistent high temperatures, the leaves are starting to fall here in Atlanta.  Very odd.  But today we woke up to delightful winds and lower temps and it makes me so happy… I'll even take the rain with the cooler weather!

Thanks for coming by!

linking to these great parties:
Restore Interiors Restored It Wednesday
Miss Mustard Seed's Furniture Feature Friday
My repurposed Life's Catch as Catch Can
Primitive & Proper's Piece of Work Wednesdays
Perfectly Imperfect's All things Furniture
My Uncommon Slice of Suburbia's Tuesday's Treasures


  1. Well, it looks fantastic. I can use my imagination. Great job of upcycling.

  2. oh i love it! i have seen so many headboard benches, but it totaly suits the style of that headboard- looks amazing!

  3. Kathie-Another great job! Love the black-it is just sturdy and regal looking~ I could even see a bit of embossing on those wonderful side panels below the arms! LOVE IT! xo Diana

  4. That is definitely a beauty! You are the best at headboard benches!

  5. Well, that is just fantastic! Absolutely beautiful! Found you via My Uncommon Slice of Suburbia. Tootles, Kathryn

  6. I love your headboard benches! I need to make one. Thank you for inspiring me!

  7. WOW this looks awesome Kathie!!!

  8. Wow that looks great!!

    evie @ brown paper packages
