
Wednesday, December 14, 2011

Gingerbread creations

At my children's school, the middle school fine arts students make gingerbread creations every year.  They put them up for display at school for a while & then they are donated to locations such as nursing homes or community centers for more people to enjoy.

I can't take any credit for these ~ my oldest child is in 3rd grade, so we're not there yet :)  But oh my gosh, y'all, they are fabulous!

See for yourself…


A fixture in the south, coke!

A snow globe with a tree inside

classic house

eiffel tower

a tree house complete with zip line & lake!

log cabin

tiki huts & volcano ~ look closely, the volcano is exploding gifts!  and santa on the surf board!


shipwrecked santa

spongebob on a gingerbread stage

look at santa sliding down the roof on this one!

barn & animals were precious!


Look at Santa's boots in the fireplace!

here's a closer look at the gift-spewing volcano

closer look at the zipline

nestle crunch church :)

closer look at the barn, check out those chickens!

My kids LOVE going to see these every year & they're out right before we start on ours, so tons of inspiration ~ hope you enjoyed it too!



  1. these are amazing! i love the farm- such creativity!

  2. Those are some seriously creative kids! Good on the school for encouraging them!
