It is wreath city over here!
I've made some fun fall wreaths that were total FAILS. And I've made a bunch of Christmas ribbon wreaths that we'll be using at our church's Women's Christmas dinner as centerpieces (with a hurricane & candle in the center of the wreath). I had so many of these to make that I got a little overwhelmed... so I took all the materials to church with me last week and sat down in the lobby to get to work in my spare time. Before I knew it, I had several friends making wreaths with me! It was unintended, but turned out so fun! Thank you Beth, Janine, Margaret Anne, Kevin, Carlene, Glenda, Catherine Anne... and I'm sure I'm missing someone, so thank you, too!!
Let's start with the fails, though.
I had seen lots of fun burlap-ish fall wreaths and thought I'd try my own version.
I started with a straw wreath and some houndstooth fabric that I had left over from who-knows-what.
I cut the fabric into strips and just started hot-gluing it on, folding & layering each little bit.
See what I mean?
I did the outside first, then the inside and finally the front.
And we have...
Ugh. Bummer. I'm just not thrilled with it.
Anyone want it?
Next up:
A fall ribbon wreath. Can't go wrong here. Right?
I had all sorts of gorgeous fall ribbon to work with.
But the result looks like brownish/blackish mishmash from the street when it hangs on my front door. So sad.
Again, anybody want it? (you think I'm kidding, don't you?? I'm not! If you want it, it is yours)
So I think for now, the original burlap wreath is going back up!
Now, some Christmas ribbon wreath eye-candy for you.
My dining room is covered in these things!
No two are the same.
There are themes, though. Some are fun Seuss-ish feeling, with lime green & bright colors.
There are some empty wreath forms behind this one (above) which is why it looks askew!
Some are more traditional feeling with darker green and golds.
Some are happy, polka-dotted, candy caned, snowflaked joy.
And here, you can see what they are going to look like on the tables at the church dinner.
Seriously, does anyone want those two wreaths? The houndstooth one & the fall ribbon one? They are yours if you want them! Just leave me a comment or send me an email (with which one you want) & I'll send them right over!
Thanks, y'all!
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